On this webpage we will explain and provide the most useful information to buy graviola soursop in Spain and also in Europe and America. We will talk about everything related to your purchase so that you have the best experience and can choose the one that best suits your needs and circumstances.
Let’s begin with the TOP 5 BEST GRAVIOLA EXTRACTS that you can buy to obtain all the benefits and properties that soursop offers us. We have exclusively based on the strict quality standards and guaranteed effectiveness.
1 Graviola Prozono.
Without hesitation, it is the best graviola extract currently in the market, not just in Europe but in the whole world. We are going to list its characteristics to comment on why we are so sure.
- Its origin. It is a supplement developed and manufactured entirely in Europe by the Irish lab Kaizen Lab Europe, meeting all the standards required by European regulation which is the most demanding and with the most strict field inspections.
- It is the only graviola extract endorsed by the Human Biomedical Research Center.
- It’s the only one manufactured with Immunotherapy-Tech technology, based on all the latest discoveries in immunotherapy.
- High potency and bioavailability of the formula; which poses a guarantee that at a minimum dose we get all its power and a total absorption of all its components.
- Liquid extract, with a single dose on a empty stomach each morning we will have its protection and benefits.
- Complexity of its formula. Undoubtedly the most important factor; this product not only contains soursop, it is the only product of the world with Ozonized Graviola; it combines all the features of graviola with those of the ozone to fight cancer. Besides, this formula also contains bark of Pau d’Arco or Lapacho, which is another very powerful natural anticancer, and to top it all off this magnificent formula contains Telomerase promoters, the key to eternal cellular youth.
It is presented as a liquid extract, in 1000 mL PET bottles. The dosage is 40 mL on an empty stomach each morning (very convenient) and a bottle lasts 25 days.
It is the only graviola / soursop excerpt that offers all its Registered Scientific Literature and all its Scientific Bibliography on its website https://en.graviolaprozono.com/graviola-prozono-registered-scientific-literature/ it is the only natural supplement that we have found to have Registered Scientific Literature
It costs € 67,20, which seems rather cheap considering the complexity of the product and all its benefits. They ship the product to any part of the world, they are classified in Custom Offices as “Safe company”, it usually takes 48 hours in Europe. For America the shipping times depend on every country, it rages from an average of 3 days to USA or Canada to an average of 10 days for Mexico. Shipments to Australia and New Zealand take 4 days to arrive. Shipping costs are free to all countries of the world. We did not find any offer for this magnificent extract and we only found its sale on the product website: https://www.graviolaprozono.com/
2. GraviolamarComplex.
It holds the silver medal of out podium and these are its main features.
- Its origin. It is developed and manufactured by the Spaniard lab Marnys, so we can be sure that it meets European regulations.
- Graviola powder extract; it is a powder concentrate packed in capsules which must be taken several times a day.
- Complex formula; in addition to graviola it contains pine bark and broccoli.
Its presentation is a box with 60 capsules. The dosage is at least 1 capsule two times a day with meals, which seems uncomfortable as a daily routine. It costs € 16,95 on the lab’s website, and it is not established if they ship to the rest of the world although we should assume so. You can find them in health stores and other websites at very different prices, which is another mistake of this lab.
3. AmazĂ³n Green.
This is one of the most demanded products on the internet and health stores.
- Its origin. It is developed in Italy, manufactured in La Roja and it is distributed from GuipĂºzcoa.
- Powder extract in capsules, potency of 12.1, one of the greatest in the market.
- The recommended dosage is 2-4 capsules.
The price is € 20 for 60 capsules, although price varies a lot depending on where you buy it. They don’t indicate whether they ship to the rest of the world but it can also be assumed that they do.
This lab will launch a new more complex product line that we shall discuss soon and I’m sure I will recommend it.
4 Graviola Lister +.
We have placed this extract in the fourth position of our ranking (despite it having a dark side, since it does not contains ozone even though it advertises that it does) for the following reasons.
- Its origin. This supplement is developed and manufactured by Lister Mais, a Portuguese lab based in Lisbon and meets all the requirements of the European Union
- It is a high potency formula; with just a small dose we have enough graviola for our body.
- Liquid extract, convenience and absorption guarantee.
- Complex formula. It is much less complete and complex than Graviola Prozono but it contains antioxidants such as pomegranate and products such as folic acid. It does contain ozone and advertising that it does makes us doubt its reliability.
It comes in 1000 mL PET bottles. The dosage is 30 mL daily on an empty stomach (it lasts for 30 days). Its price is € 30 a bottle. They charge shipping fees and you can find it on the lab’s website as well. We assume they ship worldwide but we are not sure.
5 This one is left deserted.
After observing what you can buy on the internet and according to the above, we cannot mention any more brands.
Keep in mind the expiration dates, two years after the extract has been produced it loses its power gradually.
We love to help you and we will continue researching to introduce you to the best products on the market.
Next I will list all graviola properties and you will see that this list of benefits of the soursop is very extensive and truly (and fortunately) amazing:
- Anticancer. Graviola and cancer are close enemies
- Antioxidant properties. Extraordinarily powerful.
- Anti-inflammatory properties. Very related to the next feature.
- Fights fibromyalgia. It is the latest discovery and it was presented by the University of Seville, Spain.
- It lowers sugar levels. Who does not have a close relative (or ourselves) suffering from this illness?
- Regulates blood pressure. It help us keep a strong and healthy heart.
- Prevents ulcers. It helps the protective mucous coating of the stomach.
- Fights herpes. Its antibacterial capacity is secular.
- Strengthens the immune system. Just this one property is reason enough to take it.
This is a very popular option since the recent years has seen a vertiginous increase in the consumption of endless types of infusions and teas of a very large variety of ingredients and formats. If you love infusions, graviola tea is a great option.
We want to reiterate that to obtain all the benefits for your health we recommend that you take liquid extract of graviola; it is the only format that guarantees all the power of this extraordinary medicinal plant with just a single intake. Your body will thank you.
If you want to buy soursop leaves you can easily find them in any health store (It is very easy to find in any herbalist in New York, Los Angeles, Ontario, Sidney, Auckland, etc). websites from anywhere of the world, on Amazon or on Walt-Mart in USA or in any large commercial area in the rest of Europe or America.
It usually comes in tea bags with 100 grams top. Generally they are manually selected leaves harvested directly from the tree; most of them usually come from organic farms.
Their origin is generally from Latin American countries but lately also in Southeast Asia (especially from Vietnam)
The cost varies according to the brands and stores. The range is usually from €20 to €100 per 100 gr in Europe. In America there is a wider price gap, with the USA and Canada being having the most expensive prices.
If what you are looking for is a different gastronomic experience, soursop will give you just that as it is a delicious fruit with a taste between strawberry and pineapple, very refreshing and different from anything we are used to in Europe or USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand.
If what you want is to have all the multiple benefits of graviola/soursop, this is not an option because for it to have the desired effect you need a minimum amount of acetogenins, alkaloids and other components of both the fruit and the leaves. To give you an idea, a fresh soursop weights an average of 3 kg and it stills does not guarantee to give you that minimum dose; presumably you need to eat about 7 kg of this delicious fruit to have all the positive benefits and depending on the farming area, ripening, etc., it has some characteristics more accentuated than others. We recommend you to take the liquid extract of graviola.
There are different options when deciding how to consume and buy fresh graviola:
- Buy fresh graviola fruit. We can find this fruit in specialized fruit shops in the large cities of Europe (London, Paris, ….), North America (New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Ontario,..) or Australia and New Zealand . It is not cheap, its origin is usually from Latin America; its cost ranges from 18 to 23 euros kg and if we take into account that its average weight is around three kg the price of a piece of soursop would be about € 60. There are even fruit shops that ship them all over Spain, in Manresa (Barcelona) we found one, we cannot recommend it because we don’t know how the fruit arrives at your home in the rest of Spain. We assume that similar services are available in the rest of Europe and in the USA and Canada. In the countries of Latin America, especially in the subtropical zones of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico…, we find these fruits at a very good price in their local markets.
- Buying canned graviola pulp. We can find this soursop presentation in all the cities of Spain in different supermarkets. We are going to talk about the two brands that are the easiest to find: Freshkita, it comes in 45 cl containers and its price is around € 7, we can easily find it at Walt-Mart. The other easy to buy graviola pulp is the El Dorado brand, it is frozen, it comes in 250 gram sachets and its price is approximately € 2.10, and you can find it in the frozen section of any Walt-Mart. In the rest of Europe we find these same types of packaging with different brands and prices. In America there is much more variety and their prices are lower.
- Buying soursop juice. There are basically two brands that can be easily accessed. One is Zumo Felixia, it sells two formats, one in only soursop and the other is graviola and mint. It comes in 750 mL bottles and its price is around 5 euros per bottle; you can find it in the refrigerated juice section of Walt-Mart. The other easily accessible brand is Plantis, it comes in 500 mL bottles, its price is approximately € 20 and it is plain pulp juice. This brand is usually found in heath stores, some specialized greengrocers and even on Amazon. Similar situation we find in the rest of Europe. Not so in America where this delicious fruit is much more traditional.
There are some drinks that are advertised as refreshing and as instant soursop, but in reality we don’t even know if they contain this precious fruit. An example is the brand Bolero, which are powder sachets that mixed with water “taste” like soursop but only that. They can be found on several shopping websites such as Amazon or in some supermarkets, the presentation has 24 powder sachets and its price is approximately € 9.
# | NAME | RATING | DESCRIPTION | Statistics | LINK |
1 | Buying Graviola Extract (Capsules, powder, liquid)![]() | Effectiveness Quality Convenience | |||
2 | Buying Graviola Leaves![]() | Effectiveness Quality Convenience | |||
3 | Buying the Graviola fruit (Soursop)![]() | Effectiveness Quality Convenience |
There are people who would like to plant this tree in their garden as a decorative plant, for the exceptional benefits of its fruit and leaves (to have the fruit and the leaves fro free), or both. We only have information about Spain in this regard, but we assume that in America it should be relatively simple to buy and plant its seeds.
In USA there are already plant nurseries specialized in selling it. In Miami, Los Angeles, …, we found one that sells the soursop tree, with a height of approximately 1,90 cm and 3 years of age for approximately € 75 plus shipping fees. Before buying the tree, keep in mind that it is a plant that comes from subtropical America, it requires an average temperature between 25 °C a 28 °C and an average annual rainfall of 1000 to 3000 mm (this can be solved with an irrigation system); in its natural habitat the optimum altitude for its cultivation ranges from 400 to 600 meters above sea level and the soil in which the soursop tree is to be planted must be deep, sandy, with good drainage and a pH between 5.5 and 6.5.
If your option is to buy graviola seeds to plant them in your garden or in a pot in your terrace, consider everything that has been said before. You can easily find it in any plant nursery and if they don’t have it in stock they can order them for you or you can even buy them on Amazon.
The price is € 2.5 per approximately 10 seeds.