Lung cancer is one of the most well-known. You may be here, my dear reader, because you are waiting for a diagnosis or a loved one has recently been diagnosed. First of all, don’t worry. This type of cancer has a good cure rate. While the diagnosis comes, we will inform you of the main aspects you should know. Would you stay for a while?
Does Graviola cure Lung Cancer?
Currently there are numerous studies in Beirut, Lebanon, proving that Graviola is an extremely effective supplement used along with the usual treatment to fight lung cancer. Its numerous properties, among which are the ability to feed on cancer cells, significantly help to reduce and even eliminate tumors. We recommend taking “Graviola Prozono“
Find the studies below
What should I know about Lung Cancer?
When talking about preventing lung cancer, it seems logical for all of us to have the same thought: ZERO TOBACCO! It seems obvious, but there are people that won’t accept it. Unfortunately, there are people who have never smoked in their lives and yet suffer from lung cancer. Yes, that also happens. But smoking multiplies your chances of getting this type of cancer. Quit smoking, you can do it!
You must consider the genetic factors as well, so if members of you family have been diagnosed, you should mention it to your doctor so they can perform the relevant tests and discover your possible genetic predisposition.
Again we have to mention tobacco; it is the main cause for this type of cancer to appear. However, there are other factors that must be considered such as environmental pollution or, in addition to the possible genetic predisposition, a history of lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis or tuberculosis.
Although many lung cancer symptoms are most likely due to other causes, it is important to consult a professional in case of experiencing the following:
- Persistent cough that sometimes occurs with blood or oxidized metal-color phlegm.
- Chest pain and whistling when breathing
- Hoarseness
- Bronchitis and/or recurrent pneumonias
- Discomfort, tiredness and weakness
There are several types of lung cancer. We revise the basic ones:
- Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and Small Cell Lung Cancer: These are two types of cancer which malignant cells form in the lung tissue.
- Epidermoid Carcinoma or Squamous Cell Carcinoma: This cancer appears in the center of the lungs and it is curious how, although it is becoming less frequent in men, occurrence in women is increasing. It is the most related to tobacco.
- Adenocarcinoma: It is the tumor less related to smoking. It occurs mostly in women and is formed in the periphery of the lung.
Once the doctor has carried out a rigorous physical study, where he could have detected any symptom, you will undergo three possible tests to confirm the diagnosis.
- Sputum Cytology: The doctor will collect a sample from the mucus you expel when coughing and then will analyze it. They usually require that these samples be collected for 3 consecutive days.
- Chest X-rays: A simple X-ray will show your doctor if there is any lump or spot that may result in a risk factor.
- Computed Tomography (CT): This type of test is similar to an X-ray, but instead of taking a static photography, this equipment takes pictures of your chest in different positions so that at the end of the test, the doctor has cross-sectional images of your body.
Surgical intervention
- Surgery is used with patients who have a good state of health and whose lung tumor is localized, in order to proceed with the extirpation.
Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) and Microwave Ablation (MWA)
- This treatment exists for this type of cancer; it consists of introducing a needle through the skin and giving microwaves to the tumor to help eliminate it. This therapy is indicated especially for patients who do not meet the requirements to undergo surgery.
- In general, this type of treatment consists of subjecting the affected area to radiation of all types of X-rays to eliminate possible cancer cells that the surgeon hasn’t been able to see.
- Its main effect is the redness of the skin.
- It is administered either orally, or through intramuscular or intravenous injections. As with radiotherapy, its main goal is to kill cancer cells.
- Its main side effects are hair loss, nausea and loss of appetite
Other treatments
- There are other treatments such as with hormones, which goal (in general) is to control the strogen, which is a hormone needed by the tumor to reproduce.
- There are also other treatments such as targeted therapy; this is characterized by administering to the patient a treatment that is “”trained”” to kill cancer cells