La Graviola is very popular due to its multiple and wonderful health effects.
Its scientific name is Annona Muricata L, it belongs to the family of annonaceae and has an infinity of names depending on the country where it is consumed, graviola, guanabana, soursop, catuche, corossol, stachelannone.
This medicinal plant comes from the tropical forests of South and Central America, and now it is also being planted in Asia, Africa and even in the Canary Islands.
Graviola Effect
- Anti-inflammatory
- Lowers blood sugar
- Inhibits the growth of cancer cells
- Strengthens the immune system
- Lowers high blood pressure
- Improves sleep
- Helps with back pain
The natives of South America have known for many centuries the healing properties of this plant and its fruit which an be called a “superfood”.
The plant is rich in vital, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances. Therefore, it can be used in the form of pastes or dyes to treat chronic wounds and skin infections.
In the 17th century, European researchers observed how the Indians used different parts of the plant to treat fever, diarrhea, gastrointestinal diseases, parasites or bronchitis. They used the fruits, bark, roots, seeds and leaves of the graviola.
Graviola Effect: Cancer
Graviola extracts have been shown to inhibit cancer in several studies. In a study carried out in 2002 by a group of scientists from Japan, extracts of Graviola were able to reduce the tumor mass of mice with cancer by 57.9% in 2 weeks.
The inhibitory effect of Graviola extract on cancer cells was even stronger than the anti-cancer drug adriamycin.
Another great advantage was that soursop did not damage healthy cells, unlike adriamycin.
The survival rate of the group of mice treated with Graviola extract was much higher than that of the control group that received adriamycin or just a normal diet.
Graviola Effect: Blood pressure
In popular medicine in Latin American countries, graviola has been used to treat hypertension since time immemorial.
Studies on mice yield spectacular results in the control of blood pressure.
Graviola Effect: Diabetes
The fruit, tea and soursop extracts are said to have hypoglycemic effects. Graviola has long been considered a cure for diabetes in the Amazon.
This has been corroborated in a study carried out by the University of Yaoundé, Cameroon, which was able to measure the effects of Graviola extract on reducing the blood sugar levels in the treatment of diabetic mice.
The animals also saw a reduction of cholesterol levels in the bloodstream and other lipids detrimental to health.
Graviola is a proven natural remedy for asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Apparently, the medicinal plant strengthens the immune system, so that inflammation in the lungs and throat subsides.
Graviola Effect: Asthma and Bronchitis
The tea made with the leaves of the tree and the juice from the fruit have proved to be a great treatment in respiratory diseases.
Graviola Effect: Arthritis
User reports suggest that the pain pack can relieve arthritis. The experience of several users shows that inflammation and pain in the joints decrease after a few weeks of using the pack. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of graviola make it an optimal treatment for different types of joint and muscle pain.
There are several scientific studies that tell us about this effect; just to name one, let’s mention the one carried out by the Department of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, which endorses these facts.
Graviola Effect: Sleep
Various studies are being carried out on this subject, the alkaloids that the graviola has in addition to reinforcing our state of mind allow us to reconcile sleep soundly and deeply.”
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