Ovarian cancer is one of the most difficult to diagnose. However, we are going to help you know this type of cancer a little better, so you are aware of any possible symptom and consult with a professional, in case you have any doubts about it.
Does Graviola cure Ovarian Cancer?
Currently there are numerous studies proving that Graviola is an extremely effective supplement used along with the usual treatment to fight ovarian cancer. Its numerous properties, among which are the ability to feed on cancer cells, significantly help to reduce and even eliminate tumors. We recommend taking “Graviola Prozono“
Find the studies below
What should I know about ovarian cancer?
Although there’s no method that would 100% prevent cancer, taking certain measures that are within our power can reduce risk factors. A healthy lifestyle with physical exercise and a good nutrition is proving to be a one of the most effective method for preventing cancer.
You also must consider the genetic predisposition. So, if there have been multiple cases in your family, you should mention it to your doctor so they can perform the relevant genetic test.
On the other hand, if you have already gone through menopause, avoiding hormone replacement therapy after it can also reduce the possibility of getting ovarian cancer.
Our Expert thinks:
Reduce the consumption of soy and take 40 mL of ozonated Graviola on an empty stomach.
Establishing the causes of ovarian cancer is not easy. However, there are risk factors that you should consider, such as genetic predisposition, not having an adequate weight or taking replacement hormones after menopause.
The symptoms of ovarian cancer are not easy to differentiate, since many of them may be caused by a variety of much less serious diagnoses. However, we are going to give you some insights so that you can assess if you should visit the doctor:
- Abdominal bloating and/or abdominal pain
- Pelvic pain and during intercourse
- Back Pain
- Feeling of fullness, difficulty eating, indigestion and/or constipation
- Menstrual irregularities and/or vaginal secretions that can be presented stained with blood or just white or transparent.
- Difficulty eating or feeling of fullness that comes on quickly
There are several types of ovarian cancer. We are going to revise -in general, without too many technicalities- the main types of tumors that cause or can cause this disease:
- Epithelial tumors: These are the most common type and almost always are a malignant tumor. They derive from the tissue covering the ovary.
- The three most common types are: Serous, Mucinous and Endometrioid tumors.
- Germ cell tumor: Although these are less frequent, they are the most common in young women. They tend to be benign, however, this group includes Dysgerminoma, which is malignant and is usually suffered by women under the age of 30. Germ-cell tumors usually produce abdominal pain and bloating.
- Sex cord-stromal tumors: Within this typology there are several of the benign type. The most dangerous is the Granulosa cell tumor. Generally, postmenopausal women tend to suffer from it and its symptoms range from amenorrhoea to heavy bleeding.
After a medical examination in which the pelvic area is palpated, other tests are carried out if the doctor considers that there may be risk factors:
Imaging Test
The specialist will try to see what is happening in your ovaries. For this, they will use tests such as ultrasound, tomography or radiography to check for any suspicious element. They are non-invasive tests with the main goal “”take a photo”” of your interior.
Invasive Tests
If the doctor observes risk factors, they will consider carrying out more invasive test, from a blood test to a laparoscopy, which consists of inserting a small probe with camera and light through a small incision in the abdomen; Colonoscopy: a device similar to the one used in the laparoscopy is inserted, but this time through the anus with no need for an incision; Biopsy: consists of extracting a sample of the suspected tissue to analyze it and conclude without any doubt, whether it is carcinogenic or not.
The treatment will depend to a large extent on the type of the ovarian cancer you have and the stage it is in. In general, we find:
Surgical intervention
- If the tumor does not affect the rest of the body, they usually go for a surgery to remove the tumor or the entire ovary.
- In general, this type of treatment consists of subjecting the affected area to radiation of all types of X-rays to eliminate possible cancer cells that the surgeon hasn’t been able to see. Patients are usually subjected to daily radiation for about 5 weeks
- It is administered either orally, or through intramuscular or intravenous injections. As with radiotherapy, its main goal is to kill cancer cells.
- Its main side effects are hair loss, nausea and loss of appetite
Other treatments
- There are other treatments such as with hormones, which goal (in general) is to control the strogen, which is a hormone needed by the tumor to reproduce.
- There are also other treatments such as targeted therapy; this is characterized by administering to the patient a treatment that is “”trained”” to kill cancer cells
The best way to enhance treatments for ovarian cancer is with dietary supplements such as ozone, Graviola, telomerase supplements.