As with all cancers, cervical cancer has a good recovery rate if detected early. That’s why we will list the most important things to consider about this disease, so you can be aware of any changes in your body that may pose a risk. We are here to help you!
I have Uterine Cancer and I have been told about Annona muricata
Currently there are numerous studies proving that Graviola is an extremely effective supplement used along with the usual treatment to fight uterine cancer. Its numerous properties, among which are the ability to feed on cancer cells, significantly help to reduce and even eliminate tumors. We recommend taking “Graviola Prozono“
Find the studies below
A survivor’s testimony
Learn first-hand the testimony of Noelia Ortiz in her fight against cancer.
What should I know about uterine cancer?
Establishing a “Decalogue for preventing cancer” is always difficult. However, the main characteristic of cervical cancer is that it can occur due to a virus called Human Papilloma or HPV. To avoid getting infected with this virus, the best and main thing is to use condoms. In addition, you can easily take the test to check if you already have it in which case your doctor will establish a series of measures to control that it does not develop into a uterine cancer.
In the cases of girls under the age of 12, the vaccine against this virus has been added to the vaccination programme for years now and it is quite likely that HPV will disappear in a large part of the population up to, in an ideal scenario, entirely eradicating this cervical cancer cause.
As stated above, one of the most common causes of this cancer is the Human Papillomavirus or HPV.
In addition to it, there are other causes that will expose you more likely to suffer from this type of cancer. The most significant are:
- Smoking
- Using oral contraceptive methods or the IUD
- Overweight and a diet low in fruits and vegetables
The symptoms that are most related to this type of cancer are:
- Abnormal bleeding: Abnormal meaning bleeding after having vaginal intercourse, in between periods or after menopause is over.
- Unusual vaginal discharge that may contain blood.
- Pain during sexual intercourse
Although there are several types of uterine cancer, below we list the two most frequent types:
- Squamous cell carcinoma. It is the most common and it originates in the cells that cover the cervix.
- Adenocarcinoma: This type of cancer originates in the lower part of the birth canal, in the glandular cells covering it.
Diagnosing uterine cancer, although it depends on each case, has three basic points:
Transvaginal ultrasound: As the name suggests, it’s an “internal” ultrasound performed to assess if any risk factor can be seen.
Biopsy. There are two types that we can differentiate by their severity:
- Endometrial biopsy: Using a suitable instrument (and without surgery) a sample of the endometrium is obtained to be analyzed in the lab.
- Dilation, curettage and directed biopsy. It is used when a previous biopsy is not conclusive. The uterus is dilated to be able to take larger samples.
The treatment to fight uterine cancer will depend on the type of cancer and/or its stage. The main treatments are:
Surgical intervention
In general, the surgery is to remove a small part of the uterus, to assess whether it is necessary to remove it completely or an alternative treatment is a possibility. To remove entirely they can use treatments ranging from major surgery to laparoscopic removal.
This type of treatment consists of subjecting the affected area to radiation of all types of X-rays to eliminate possible cancer cells that the surgeon hasn’t been able to see. Patients are usually subjected to daily radiation for about 5 weeks.
Its main effect is the redness of the skin.
It is administered either orally, or through intramuscular or intravenous injections. As with radiotherapy, its main goal is to kill cancer cells.
Its main side effects are hair loss, nausea and loss of appetite
Other treatments
- There are other treatments such as with hormones, which goal (in general) is to control the strogen, which is a hormone needed by the tumor to reproduce.
- There are also other treatments such as targeted therapy; this is characterized by administering to the patient a treatment that is “”trained”” to kill cancer cells