Support studies on Graviola and cancer
For some time now, Annona muricata has been the subject of numerous studies related to cancer. It has been observed that this tree -which contains many healthy elements, also has a positive impact on the treatment of different types of cancers, helping along with the conventional treatment, to reduce and even eliminate tumors.
Dr. Jerry L. McLaughlin was the first professional to point out that Soursop (as it is also known) had a component that was potentially anticancer. This doctor, who works for the Purdue College of Pharmacy (Indiana, United States), has dedicated the last 28 years of his career to research anticancer molecules in plants; finding the properties of this particular plant. He discovered that acetogenin (a component of the aforementioned tree) is a potent anticancer.
Having placed the focus of the community of researchers on this tree, the discovery spread like wildfire among other universities and study centers.
There are more than 20 first level labs investigating the effects of the Soursop and its components on the behavior of cancer, since the results are proving to be surprisingly encouraging.
If you want to know more about these studies, in every article for each type of cancer we have put the link to each one, but since we know that sometimes these readings are difficult to say the least, we will highlight the aspects of who is investigating. This way you can assess that the studies have a serious base and that in this case -unlike other miraculous remedies- “there is no smoke without fire”.
Many institutes have this medicinal plant among its subjects of study. This is already a guarantee that something good hides this exotic tree. One of the best known is the National Cancer Institute. As you may know, this institute aims to fight against this epidemic through studies and experimentation. The fact that an institute with such prestige and which was founded in 1937 (being a touchstone on fighting cancer since then) is investigating its effects in the development of cancer will give you an idea of how positive the studies are turning out to be. It is being proved that said tree acts as a “tumor-eater”, resulting in a perfect and innocuous supplement (being of natural origen) to the conventional treatments.
On the other hand, the Purdue University in the United States and the Department of Medical Life Science of The Catholic University of South Korea are also studying the reaction of Graviola implemented as a treatment to eliminate cancer.
The results are demonstrating the anticancer capacity of this tree, in addition to talking about the lack of incompatibility of its implementation along with other treatments. This give us an idea of how important are the studies; this plant can be a complement to chemotherapy, radiotherapy or any other treatment prescribed by the oncologist, without interfering in its effects and acting as a rather positive complement to fight this epidemic of the 21st century.
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Studies on the anticancer properties if the Graviola
Studies related to various types of cancer and the application of graviola
- Graviola: A Novel Promising Natural-Derived Drug That Inhibits Tumorigenicity and Metastasis of Pancreatic Cancer Cells In Vitro and In Vivo Through Altering Cell Metabolism
- Graviola and cancer
- Anti-cancer effect of Annona Muricata Linn Leaves Crude Extract (AMCE) on breast cancer cell line
- Everything You Want to Know About Prostate Cancer
- A review on a miracle fruits of Annona muricata
- The Value of Caspase-3 after the Application of Annona muricata Leaf Extract in COLO-205 Colorectal Cancer Cell Line
- Selective Growth Inhibition of Human Breast Cancer Cells by Graviola Fruit Extract In Vitro and In Vivo Involving Downregulation of EGFR Expression