Our website focuses on presenting all possible information about graviola and its properties. Thus we offer you information about products that combined with graviola can make the perfect blend to fight against cancer.
We will base this ranking on a series of parameters to be able to have a better and truthful comparison. These parameters will be the level of effectiveness, scientific studies that support the product and its contraindications and/or side effects they may produce.
Objectively this is the TOP 1.
Its EFFICIENCY against cancer is more than proven, it has the peculiarity of attacking only the ailing cells and protecting healthy ones. The “acetogenins” it contains is 10,000 times more potent than some of the most commonly used chemotherapy treatments such as “adriamycin”, however, it is the perfect accompaniment to cancer treatment (either chemo or radiotherapy)
Among its effectiveness is the prevention of cancer, very important, especially for people at high risk of suffering or relapse if they have already suffered from it.
Graviola (as we have already established on this website) is supported by a huge number of STUDIES, there is a huge scientific literature and universities and institutions as prestigious as the University of Seville, University of Purdue, University of Nebraska and many more.
What these studies show us is the effectiveness in the elimination of these malignant cells in different types of cancer (liver, breast, prostate, lung, ovary, uterine, pancreatic, colon)
We can state that graviola is effective to fight cancer, as a treatment, as an accompaniment to chemotherapy and radiotherapy to prevent it.
The only CONTRAINDICATIONS that we find are due to excessive and disproportionate consumption and as a precaution in pregnant women, infants and young children.
Its side effect it to feel good because in addition to fighting cancer it has very positive and effective healing properties in treatments against fibromyalgia, diabetes or hypertension.
Its EFFECTIVENESS follows the explanations by the Nobel Prize Otto Warburg, “the main cause of cancer is the replacement of the body’s cells normal oxygen breathing by anaerobic cellular respiration (without oxygen)” and this circumstance is very effectively combated by the Ozone-based therapies due their composition (O3) being higher in an atom than that of oxygen (O2), although oxygen treatments such as the hyperbaric chamber are very widespread, the effectiveness of ozone treatments is much higher.
There are several STUDIES that tell us about the effectiveness of ozone to fight cancer. Germany is the country where more studies have been carried out and where it is used more; in this country there are more than 3,000 references in its medical literature.
In Spain there is a lectureship that supports it in the renowned UCAM of Murcia.
Ozone does not attack healthy cells, the only CONTRAINDICATIONS and only known side effect to its overexposure is the “Herxheimer effect”, which occurs when there is an extreme detoxification reaction in the body, its symptoms are similar to the joint pains when having the flu and they disappear in a very short period of time.
To explain its EFFICIENCY, let’s say that telomerase is an enzyme of the cells and basically -as far as we are concerned- in the fight against cancer it acts as a reducer in the processes of telomere shortening, protecting the DNA and fighting the degenerative processes of the cells.
In cancers that are more associated with cellular aging (such as lung or pancreatic), the effectiveness is very high.
It’s the present meeting the future.
To talk about the STUDIES, there is a lot of scientific literature on the subject, from the Nobel Prize winning Elizabeth Blackburn and Carol Greider to the Spanish winner of the award granted by the European Organization of Molecular Biology, María Blasco, current director of the National Center for Oncological Research.
Studies have shown that in mice genetically modified to make them more resistant to cancer, lengthening telomeres works.
Much progress is being made in this field and it is being studied exhaustively.
No CONTRAINDICATIONS or side effects of any kind have been detected at the moment.
To talk about the EFFICIENCY of lapacho (pau d’arco) to fight cancer we have to talk about two of the substances it contains, lapachol and beta-lapachone, these are especially active in cases of leukemia, lymphosarcoma and carcinosarcomas. Basically and for everyone to understand it what they produce is the “suicide” of diseased cells (apoptosis).
The first STUDIES that we found are from 1960 and were carried out by the Santo André Hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Later there have been several studies, especially in the United States, of which we will mention as the most important, the one conducted by the Cancer Research Center in Baltimore and the Southwestern Medical Center of the University of Texas.
In normal doses CONTRAINDICATIONS are not observed but it is recommended not to take it during pregnancy.
In high doses you can have effects with cardiotonic medications and anticoagulants. It can also cause gastritis and gastroduodenal ulcers.
Turmeric contains a substance called curcumin that has proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help as a complement in the chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments. Its EFFICIENCY is limited only as a complement, not as a treatment.
There are different studies on the effects of turmeric in cancer treatments but currently we can only find two that come from reliable sources, the University of UCLA and the Autonomous University of Mexico, and they always state it is an accompaniment to treatments of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We find an extensive pseudoscientific literature but without any serious and truthful study.
It has multiple CONTRAINDICATIONS; when its consumption is continuous it can cause gallstones, it interferes with the anticoagulant and antithrombotic medication and do not take if you are going to have a surgical intervention or even a dental extraction.
Other side effects found with its continued use is that it can cause diarrhea, ulcers, inflammation and intestinal bleeding. It can also cause irritability, allergy or redness of the skin.
Do not take if you have kidney and gall bladder diseases.
Do not take if you are pregnant, if you are nursing and of course do not give it to children.
The only proved thing about the EFFICIENCY of this product is that aloe vera helps to combat the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy but it is not a product that fights cancer in itself nor is it anti-tumor. In any case we can talk about taking it preventively for its nutritional properties or for the effects of lotions and oils based on aloe vera.
There are several STUDIES published however they don’t tell us about its antitumor effects, but rather about the benefits of aloe vera which mitigates the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments, especially the aloe based lotions and oils applied on the burns produced by radiotherapy.
There are two types of CONTRAINDICATIONS of aloe vera.
Its excessive oral consumption can cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea and kidney failure.
Its topical use can cause irritation, burning or itching in some people’s skin.
# | NAME | RATING | DESCRIPTION | Statistics | LINK |
1 | Graviola | Effectiveness Studies Contraindications | |||
2 | Ozone | Effectiveness Studies Contraindications | |||
3 | Telomerase | Effectiveness Studies Contraindications | |||
4 | Lapacho (Pau D’Arco) | Effectiveness Studies Contraindications | |||
5 | Turmeric | Effectiveness Studies Contraindications | |||
6 | Aloe Vera | Effectiveness Studies Contraindications |