Graviola is considered in popular medicine as a cure for asthma and bronchitis.
The benefits of this mysterious plant and how it is used are described in this article.
What is Graviola?
Graviola is a tree that grows in the tropics of Central and South America. This tree in recent years has become very popular for its many benefits, although in its places of origin that “popularity” and its uses were more than known and used.
The fruit can weigh up to 3 kilograms, it is very appreciated for its great taste, which reminds of a mixture between strawberry and pineapple.
Recent studies have shown the benefits of soursop in the treatment of many chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure.
The medical value of Graviola.
The reason why soursop is so useful in asthma is its high content of vitamins and vital substances. The fruit and leaves are rich in vitamin B1, B2 and vitamin C.
This makes the plant a potential superfood. It is considered a powerful remedy to treat asthma, cancer and many gastrointestinal diseases.
In Peru, the soursop is very popular and has multiple uses since time immemorial. One of its uses would be graviola tea, which helps eliminate mucus from the lungs and respiratory tract, in the countries of its environment it is considered a cure for cough, flu and asthma.
Vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals work together to help the immune system fight asthma. They act as a natural shield for the body and strengthen it from the inside.
La Graviola is rich in:
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Zinc
- Phosphorus
These minerals increase the body’s natural ability to fight inflammation of the respiratory system. The soursop not only alleviates the difficulty to breathe, but also fights the causes of asthma.
The high content of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants (coenzyme Q10) increases the natural immunity to this inflammation.
How does Graviola help against asthma?
Graviola helps treat asthma in several different ways. In asthma, the airways are inflamed and as a result, the airways narrow and mucus secretion becomes more difficult.
This causes patients to have difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing (the annoying hiss when breathing), and experience a feeling of discomfort.
The advantages of Graviola:
- Reduces inflammation
- Facilitates the expulsion of mucus
- Reduces the frequency of asthma attacks
Therefore, Graviola helps reduce the difficulty of breathing while improving the body’s ability to fight against basic inflammations.
Graviola reduces inflammation in the respiratory tract
Soursop has anti-inflammatory properties. This means that regularly consuming it reduces inflammation throughout the body.
However, inflammation in the lungs and respiratory tract takes a long time to retreat.
Graviola, however, helps prevent the progression of asthma and keeps the airways intact. As soon as the inflammation subsides, patients can breathe more freely and easily.
Graviola reduces infections and increases immunity.
Another reason why soursop is so effective in the treatment of asthma is its positive effect on the immune system. It strengthens the body and reduces the risk of infection.
The minerals, vitamins and antioxidants in this medicinal plant increase the body’s ability to keep infections at bay and strengthens the body’s defense capacity.
Graviola against constipation
Intestinal toxins that enter the bloodstream are one of the main reasons for constipation.
In asthma, irregular bowel movements aggravate respiratory problems as waste accumulates.
The reinforcement of the immune system added to the extra supply of dietary fiber that graviola gives us makes it a suitable fruit for this purpose.
As we have been explaining, Graviola (in its multiple formats) effectively combats asthma and is highly recommended to fight it.