Patients who overcome cancer do not take only Capecitabine

If you have doubts…

or sometimes you think you can do much more to overcome cancer. 

Or you may feel like medical treatments are just a small (but important) part of everything you can do to beat cancer.

You browse Facebook groups looking for a miracle to end your illness, but you only find people with good intentions but little training and you feel more and more confused.

Will this remedy work for me?

What if it interferes with medical treatment?

These are normal doubts , whether you are a cancer patient or a family member who cares for a loved one.

If you have been prescribed Capecitabine you have to read this.

When you’re diagnosed with cancer, it can feel like your whole world turns upside down. Suddenly, you have to deal with a lot of new information and make a lot of difficult decisions.

One of those decisions is what type of treatment to follow. 

And that’s what happened to Carolina

When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was scared. She didn’t know what to do or who to turn to. But his friends and family supported him during treatment.

He was initially prescribed capecitabine to treat the cancer. 

But he soon realized that the side effects of this medication were taking their toll on him. She felt sluggish and dizzy all the time, and she had no energy to do anything.

Furthermore, an analysis after months of treatment with capecitabine left Carolina more sinking than the Titanic.

The treatment was not working, the tumor continued to grow and this was demonstrated by the tumor markers.

Luckily, his friends told him about graviola prozono, a natural supplement that helps strengthen the immune system and give more energy. And so he began his journey towards recovery with graviola prozono by his side.

Cancer is a very complex disease, so it is important to attack it from different angles.

And this is one of the problems with medical treatments: Capecitabine only attacks from one angle and only affects a few cancer cells. 

But I’m not saying it, this is what a study published in May 2021 by the Cochrane organization says.

study published in May 2021 by the Cochrane organization on Capecitabine

But if we add Graviola Prozono things change.

Cells that are not weakened by capecitabine are weakened by graviola prozone, and those that are not weakened by graviola will starve. 

It is a comprehensive approach that is essential to defeat cancer cells once and for all.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you may wonder if capecitabine is the right treatment option.

Here’s everything you need to know about how capecitabine works and what to expect during treatment.

How does capecitabine work?

Capecitabine works by interfering with the way the body metabolizes folate, a nutrient important for cell growth. This effect slows the growth of cancer cells and eventually kills them. 

Capecitabine is usually taken in pill form, and the dose and duration of treatment will depend on the type and severity of cancer being treated. 

What are the side effects of capecitabine?

As with any treatment, there are some potential side effects associated with capecitabine. Some common side effects are fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

However, it is important to note that not all people who take capecitabine experience these side effects. With proper care and supervision, capecitabine can be an effective treatment for many types of cancer. 

Making the decision to undergo cancer treatment is never easy. But if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, it is important that you inform yourself about all the treatment options. 

Capecitabine is an effective treatment for many types of cancer and, with proper care and monitoring, can help you get through this difficult time.

However, I am going to give you two reasons to complement capecitabine with a natural supplement called graviola prozono:

  • 1-The side effects of this medication weaken the immune system and affect your day-to-day activities, you will feel weak, dizzy without the desire to do anything.

That is why a supplement that helps you strengthen your defenses and gives you more energy to carry out your daily life will be essential during treatment.

  • 2- In any type of cancer, cancer cells mutate in several different ways to defend themselves from treatment and thus survive.

Therefore, we must attack cancer cells from several different angles.

The cells that capecitabine does not weaken will be weakened by graviola and those that are not will be starved.

PS: I know I told you two reasons to combine graviola prozono with capecitabine, but while I was writing to you another one occurred to me (I’m like that, clueless)

Both chemo and radio are more effective, they work better in oxygenated media and this supplement I am talking about contains ozone. This will help bring an extra load of oxygen to your cells and multiply the effectiveness of your treatment.

If you are currently being treated with capecitabine, talk to your doctor about the possibility of supplementing your medication with graviola. It may give you the extra edge you need to win the fight against cancer

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